The EU in International Diplomatic Relations : Challenges and Opportunities

The EUDIPLO Jean Monnet Network organizes its inaugural conference :

« The EU in International Diplomatic Relations: Challenges and Opportunities »

Friday, November 20th 2020

The conference launches EUDIPLO, the Jean Monnet network between the universities of Geneva, Groningen, Leuven and Pisa.

The conference will take place at the Università di Pisa and will be broadcast via Zoom. Registration is compulsory, please click here.

Programme and Informations

The main aim of the conference is to examine the internal and external constraints for the European Union (EU) to enhance its capacities as an international diplomatic actor. Although the Union delegations and the European External Action Service (EEAS) have celebrated their tenth anniversary, there are still a number of constraints for the EU in acting as a diplomatic actor and overcoming the barriers of the ‘Westphalian’ setup of international diplomatic relations.