Winter Law School on Refugee and Migration

The European Law Students’ Association – Local Group of Komotini is organizing the fourth edition of Winter Law School on Refugee and Migration Law, from 9th to 16th of December 2018, in Komotini, Greece.

This year Law School is being organized with the academic support of « Krateros Ioannou » Research Institute on International Law and International Relations of Law School of Democritus University of Thrace.

The Law School is under the Auspices of International Organization for MigrationMinistry of MigrationMinistry of EducationMinistry of Maritime Affairs and Insular PolicyThe Hellenic ParliamentThe Greek Refugee CouncilDanish Refugee Council and with the support of: FRONTEXHellenic Bank AssociationMaragopoulos Foundation for Human Rights.

The Law School on Refugee and Migration Law is an international congress which will be held in english with participants from all over the world. During the Law School participants will have the opportunity to gain theoretical and practical knowledge by distinguished professors and scientists on the fields of Refugee and Migration Law.

Some of the main topics that will be analyzed are:International Legal Status of Migrants and Refugees

  • Refugee issues and armed conflicts; mobility and displacement – protection  of Refugees on International Level
  • European Regulations on Migrants and Refugees
  • Irregular immigration
  • Protection of unaccompanied refugees

For more information and the application form, please click here. Stay tuned on the Facebook Page of the Winter School. Watch the presentation video here.

**Deadline for applications 28/10/2018 (extension of the deadline is possible)**

If you have any queries, please, don’t hesitate to constant directly with us at: winterschool.komotini[at]